Thursday, April 29, 2010

They say that first impressions last but do they really last?
Usually when I first encounter a person I scrutinize the way they are dressed, the way they talk and the way they present themselves. By looking at a person’s appearance one can assume a lot of things about them.

If I go into a shop for the first time to buy let’s say a dress, hopefully I will be approached by the sales person who will assist me further. It is at that moment when I will form perceptions about that particular shop. If the sales person is kind and able to assist me with what I want, then I will have a good first impression concerning the shop.

In an interview you only have one opportunity to convince the interviewer to hire you; therefore you have to make a good first impression. You will make sure that you are well dress and that you answer the questions you are asked the best way you can. Basically you have to sell yourself through presenting yourself as the best candidate for the job.

How you look and what you say will determine whether you get the job or not. You may not want to admit it, but it is true when they say that first impressions last.

So go on and seize the moment by making good first impressions in whatever situation you may find yourself in.

Signing out> Sbosh

It is a poor idea to lie to yourself.

Why does one lie to themselves? We sometimes lie to ourselves when we want to escape reality, we don’t want to face the music so we imagine that something will have a different outcome, when in actual fact we know exactly what the end result will be.

Lying to yourself is a poor idea as you may start to believe the lies you tell yourself. One simple lie may lead to more and more lies until lying to yourself becomes a habit. You may then start lying to people around you by saying things about yourself that are not true.

Your lies may begin to consume your life and people around you, l which may lead to you not knowing what is reality and fictional. It may only be people close to you that know when you are lying to yourself.

People who lie to themselves seem so convincing when they do this; they may build new relationships through these lies by pretending to be something that they are not.

The reality is that lies have a way of catching up on you and when they do it won’t be a pleasant experience at all.

Signing out> Sbosh

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The most common pet peeves I come across...

We all have something that we dislike may it be something that we don’t like when it comes to other people’s behaviour or something that we prefer to not engage ourselves in because of its unpleasantness. There are behaviours that simply irritate or annoy us and when they occur you feel like strangling that very person who does the bad deed.

Pet peeves that I happen to come across quiet often include the following. You find that there are people who put down others in order to look good. Yes you get people who will say and do anything in order to bring down other people because they want to be the only ones who succeed.

Mothers who can’t stop their screaming children from interrupting the rest of the people at church or at any kind of gathering. These mothers should just walk out with their children and try to calm them down outside and leave the rest of the people in peace. This is logical.

People who spend their entire salary on clothes and on having fun rather than on anything else and then make it through the month by making loans from their friends, loans that they will never pay back mind you.

Students who ask questions in class that have already being touched on by the lecturer. This is purely a waste of time and it just prolongs the lesson. Students should just pay attention in class and stop asking stupid questions.

When people claim to be something they are not. There are so many pretenders out there, you find people who don't appear to be what they say they are.

There will always be things that annoy us; it is simply up to us how we will handle these annoyances that we face in our lives. In most cases we just sit and say nothing, maybe it’s time we changed this...

Signing out> Sbosh

The sound of one hand clapping…

It had always been my childhood dream to learn how to play the piano one day, but I never got the opportunity of learning to play it as a youngster. Instead I would just sit and gaze and admire the beauty of a piano each time I happened to come across one and imagine performing a song that I had composed in front of a large audience in an auditorium of some kind.

I would have been counting the days to my performance, hoping that every thing would go right as I would have been rehearsing for weeks before hand making sure that I had perfected my musical piece.

The room would be packed to capacity, with every one waiting to hear me play in anticipation. I would be nervous and excited looking forward to sharing my music with every one else, as a matter of fact with the entire world at some point.

I would step on stage take a glance at the audience and be amazed. I would smile as I take my sit right before the piano and place my notes on the piano stand. I would say a little prayer and let my hands carefully work on the piano and start playing my beautiful music.

As I caress the piano, I would drift a way in thought as I serenade my audience in song. The audience would seem very engaged and connecting with the song. Soon I would hit my last note and there would be a silence…

A terrible silence, then I would hear the sound of one hand clapping…
Then everyone else would clap as well and stand up indicating the appreciation of my song.

Signing out> Sbosh

Monday, April 12, 2010

No all who wander are lost...

People who know where they are going tend to have a sense of direction, a purpose they want to serve or fulfil. It appears like they have some sort of map in their heads which they follow in order to reach their destination which may be their goals. Even if they are not sure about what to do next they may not display the uncertainty they may have as they want people to still have faith in them, especially if they are in a leadership position.

That’s a different story with people who wander. Those who wander don’t know where they are going or what they want to do, they are simply lost. People who wander usually have no agenda in life, they don’t know what they want to achieve in life. Not knowing what to do with your life must be a very scary feeling. Not knowing what to do next or what you will be up to the next day is something that one should try to control. I would like to think that most people prefer to be in control of their lives through making their own decisions . They don't let other people make decisions for them, but instead they are the ones' who map out their lifes.

We only live ones , so you shouldn't be wandering for too long other wise you will be lost for good. Loosing sight of your goals means that you have strayed away from them. If your goals have changed you then need to formulate a new plan of action. Time waits for no man, so if you wander you will loose precious time of your life wich you will never be able to recapture no matter what.

Those who wander are lost but they can always be found again, its all up to wether you want to get back to where the rest of us are. That is facing reality.

Someone once said that “A man is only lost when he has no purpose. Give yourself purpose. Do the most you can in life, don’t cheat yourself and you can live so much happy.”

Signing out>Sbosh

How do you step from the top of 100-foot pole?

Stepping from a 100- foot pole could mean many things. Being on top of a 100- foot pole could mean avoiding to face a certain obstacle or challenge in your life. You can feel like shutting out the world by pretending to be untouchable and feel superior to everyone else. You could be in your own world thinking that you are indestructible.

Stepping down from the pole would mean facing reality and having a sense of humanity. One shouldn’t look down on other people because of the fortunates they may have at the time because who knows how long these fortunes will exists? What happens when their fortunes seize to exist? Won’t they turn to the very people who they thought they where better than?

One should step from the top of a 100- foot pole as soon as they realise that they are at the top of it, because being at the top of it will affect the way we handle relationships with people. Relationships with people are very important. We have to deal with various people each day, so if we are self –righteous we won’t deal with some people in the correct manner.

Sometimes we need to be humble and not conceited as people tend to not like people who think that they are better or have more to offer than other people. Being conceited works for some people, purely because of the industry they are in. Take for example Khanye West; he says that he had to have a big ego in order to succeed as they were a lot of people who tried to take away his dream of being a success one day, by continuously telling him that he wouldn’t make it as a rapper. Look at him today; he has achieved so much through reassuring himself that he is the best.

This method won’t work for all us as being self righteousness tends to be not go down well with most people around us. So rather stay true to yourself and the minute you start to feel that you are being conceited you should think about where you come from.

Signing out>Sbosh