Monday, April 12, 2010

How do you step from the top of 100-foot pole?

Stepping from a 100- foot pole could mean many things. Being on top of a 100- foot pole could mean avoiding to face a certain obstacle or challenge in your life. You can feel like shutting out the world by pretending to be untouchable and feel superior to everyone else. You could be in your own world thinking that you are indestructible.

Stepping down from the pole would mean facing reality and having a sense of humanity. One shouldn’t look down on other people because of the fortunates they may have at the time because who knows how long these fortunes will exists? What happens when their fortunes seize to exist? Won’t they turn to the very people who they thought they where better than?

One should step from the top of a 100- foot pole as soon as they realise that they are at the top of it, because being at the top of it will affect the way we handle relationships with people. Relationships with people are very important. We have to deal with various people each day, so if we are self –righteous we won’t deal with some people in the correct manner.

Sometimes we need to be humble and not conceited as people tend to not like people who think that they are better or have more to offer than other people. Being conceited works for some people, purely because of the industry they are in. Take for example Khanye West; he says that he had to have a big ego in order to succeed as they were a lot of people who tried to take away his dream of being a success one day, by continuously telling him that he wouldn’t make it as a rapper. Look at him today; he has achieved so much through reassuring himself that he is the best.

This method won’t work for all us as being self righteousness tends to be not go down well with most people around us. So rather stay true to yourself and the minute you start to feel that you are being conceited you should think about where you come from.

Signing out>Sbosh

1 comment:

  1. Didn't quite get the angle from which this story stemmed from?
