Monday, July 26, 2010

What motivates me?

The very people who motivate me are my family most specially my mom and dad, they have since I was born encouraged me to do things. When I took my first step they where there encouraging me to take more than one step and walk as far as I could. That must have put a smile on their faces. My parents have supported me in everything I do; they are the cheerleaders behind the scenes in my life.

My dad has always emphasized how important education is and together with my mother they have sent me to the best schools in their reach. My dad motivated me into doing my best at school by studying hard and focusing on what I want to achieve.

My parents have given me the best things they could and it wasn’t easy for them but they managed to raise my two brothers and I. Everything I have mentioned above keeps me going, our generation may have things a bit more easier compared to our parents.
Achieving my goals and seeing how it touches my parent’s hearts keeps me going each day. I want them to see me become something one day as there have done so much in contributing to the person I am today.

Yep that is what motivates me…

Signing out> Sbosh

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