The next stop would have to be Madagascar; it seems to be a beautiful island with wonderful creatures and beaches. My journey would lead me to the continent of Asia, where I would begin with Thailand. Thailand seems to be a beautiful country with a rich heritage and various national monuments. I would then possibly visit China and India which are next door to each other in order to experience their ambient culture and the way they live. I would also make a stop at United Arab of Emirates and visit Dubai to experience the glitz and glamour the city is known for.
I would then travel to the continent of South America, and the county I would visit is Brazil. I would make it to Brazil in time for the Rio Carnival as I have heard that it is the best time to visit the country.
I would then visit the U.S.A.; there are so many cities I would like to visit there. These cities include Los Angeles, Miami, New York City; the concrete jungle where dreams are made of.
My last stop would be Europe and the countries I would visit include France, Italy, Greece, England, Germany, Spain, Scotland and Switzerland.
My last stop would be Europe and the countries I would visit include France, Italy, Greece, England, Germany, Spain, Scotland and Switzerland.
I would like the to have the opportunty to be exposed to numerous cultures and lifestyles in my life, traveling the world is something that I simply have to do in my life time even if it means travelling to simply a few countries.
Signing out > Sbosh
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