Monday, February 8, 2010

"Is polygamy a feminist issue"?

Yes i agree with the statement that polygamy is a feminist issue. We live in a time where woman should be viewed as equals to men. Women are in job positions that were only thought to be for men, but society has allowed for those mind sets to be changed. It is no longer thought that a woman's place is only in the kitchen you find female managers, female train and bus drivers in various companies in many countries.

So why is it possible for only men to have multiple wives and not possible for women to have multiple husbands. Why should women be subjected to being treated as a collection or means of identifying a man's status? I have never heard of a woman who has multiple husbands. Why is this the case? Don't tell me that men are providers of the household, women can also be providers.

As a society we need to break away from this thought of mind , women should be valued and appreciated and be treated equally to men in all situations.

1 comment:

  1. Yes woman you are right all hail to woman!! But there are still obstacles and stereotype that you are going to face the only thing is to keep on proving yourself.
