Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The world would be a better place…

Imagine if people had tolerance for each other, there would be mutual respect and understanding between each individual. People would be able to identify with each other and appreciate each other more. This would possibly mean that there would be hardly any crime as people would be compassionate and would not want to bring any hardship or cruelty to another person.

People would think twice before illegally acquiring something from another person, there would be a sense of love and a brotherly/ sisterly bond between people. People would watch out for one another and not think about their own prosperity but also of people in their lives; basically people would look out for each other.

This would be an ideal world wouldn’t it? The fact that we live in a world that is full of malicious behavior, where people have disregard for human life simply sadness me. When will all this come to an end? The world needs to be healed and made into a better place for the entire human race, but how will this be possible?

Unfortunately this is a question that I cannot answer; only time will tell how the world will end up.

Signing Out> Sbosh

Conventional is a good fallback position isn’t it?

Conventional is a good fallback position when you realize that something you wanted to try out for the first time doesn’t seem to work out the way you had anticipated. You can always conform to the accepted standards which people have come to accept as the norm.

As human beings we tend to be afraid of the idea to do things differently as we fear being rejected by society. Being different is sometimes a good thing, take for example Lady Gaga; she totally does what she feels like doing and she doesn’t seem to care what other people will think about her. She has generated a huge following over the past few years she has been in the limelight.

So conventional doesn’t always work well for other people, being different can lead to various opportunities and experiences.

What do you think?

Signing Out> Sbosh

Would I like to live in a draconian censorship?

The time of draconian censorship in our country has seized to exists, I’m sure many people would not like to return to that period of our history. It is unacceptable that countries such as Korea have draconian laws; the laws create too many restrictions on web users by challenging their anonymity.

In Korea some laws require that online visitors register their real name and national ID card number when visiting sites with more than 100 000 members. Imagine having to do this every time you go onto Google, Twitter, Facebook or YouTube. You would have to give out confidential information such as your ID number. That is simply not right; it is an invasion of your own privacy.

An IT news site Bloter.net had to suspend user comments because of the Korean system. This meant that people would not have the opportunity to express their opinions.

Here in South Africa we are used to having the freedom to express ourselves and I’m sure that many people wouldn’t like that right to be taken away from them. So let’s learn from countries like Korea and China and fight for our country to not move backward to draconian censorship.

Signing out >Sbosh

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Moving away from our comfort zones.

Many people are terrified by the idea of attempting something new, they prefer sticking to things that they are familiar with; things that are the norm as they want to fit in and belong to a certain group.

We are coming to the end of our tertiary life and I am sure most of us would like to work in the private sector for large companies. Only a handful of us may be considering starting a new business, but why is this? Fear of failure restrains many of us from doing our own thing. We tend to doubt our capabilities and we tend to think that people who succeed are superior to us.

I know that many of us may have ideas floating in our minds, but these ideas remain there. We may never be brave enough to implement these ideas as we perhaps think that they are not good enough.

Let me urge you by saying that opportunities surround everyone each day but it is up to you to identify one and grab it before it disappears right in front of you.

“Only by doing, do people become great”

Signing Out> Sbosh

You cannot chase two rabbits at the same time.

This statement is debatable as sometimes one can focus on two things or tasks at a time as it depends on how disciplined an individual is. Some people have the capacity to handle numerous tasks at a time; we simply have to remember that we are not all the same.

Some people have to be constantly reminded to not take on more than they can handle as they may struggle to cope when they have too many things happening in their lives. These people may end up not excelling in either task as they were not able to manage their time or resources well.

I believe that each individual knows what they are capable of ; therefore we shouldn’t allude ourselves by thinking that we can chase two rabbits at the same time when we clearly know that we can’t.

Signing out > Sbosh

Mapping out our own destiny…

Each individual is responsible for mapping out their own destiny. Each day we live our lives we should think about what we want to achieve in our life time. We only live once therefore we should dream big, aim high and not allow anything to stand in our way.
My communications lecturer gave us an exercise in class in which we had to write our five year goals as well as our long term goals. Writing out your goals makes you think about what you want to achieve in life. My lecturer further stated if you write down your goals you are sure to achieve them as your goals are something that you feel strongly about. She further stated that each individual is responsible for their own destiny.

This made me think a lot about how I want my life to turn out. I have many dreams that I would like to see come true, but I am the only person who can make that possible. I need to be determined, have self discipline and self confidence in order to ensure that I achieve my goals.

Through the grace of God, I hope that my life will turn out the way I hope it will.

Signing out >Sbosh

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

“Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea”

I have to agree with the statement that having one idea is dangerous. What happens if that one idea you have does not work out the way you planned it to? What do you do then?

It is important to have a number of ideas or a backup plan when something doesn’t pan out the way you intended it to. You always have to have another plan so that you are not left stranded, thinking about what you should do next in order to move forward is vital.

Some people have a plan a, plan b and even a plan c when they have an idea. They always prepare themselves for the worst case scenario before hand as there is nothing worse than just standing there when something goes wrong and only try to think of ways to remedy the situation then. Thinking under pressure is something that not everyone is good at.

Therefore I urge you when you have an idea think of more than one way to implement that idea and always have a backup plan. Avoid being caught off guard whenever it is possible.

Signing out> Sbosh

Monday, September 13, 2010

The last supper: A Nelson Mandela version

I was a bit worried when I read the paper today and came across the ‘last supper’ painting we all know of Jesus having supper with his disciples; but in this case it was Nelson Mandela who was depicted as Jesus and the disciples where the humanitarians who fought for liberalization of people who were oppressed in the past. The people depicted are Martin Luther King, Desmond Tutu, Albert Luthuli and others.

I understand the great role Nelson Mandela and the rest of the people I have mentioned above played, but to depict Nelson Mandela as some kind of God is just taking it a bit too far. I don’t know what might have been going through the artist’s head when he was creating the painting; maybe he just saw it as an opportunity to make money.

As a Christian I feel that it has broken one of Gods commands that says “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My Commandments.

It doesn’t surprise me anymore what kind of lengths people would go through in order to make a quick buck.

Signing out>Sbosh

How hard is it to follow instructions?

Following instructions is not hard, but it doesn’t help when a lecturer explains something in class then it is interpreted differently by students. Sometimes it even seems that each student has their own interpretation even though we were all sitting in the same class and given the same instructions by a lecturer.
Sometimes I think it’s just best to not ask any of my class mates to repeat instructions that where said in class by a lecturer when I didn’t understand them because if I do they end up confusing me even further. That’s why it is always best to ask the lecturer to explain something that you are not clear about. Otherwise you will be playing broken telephone the whole time.

Why is it though that we have different interpretations when we are given instructions in class, I ask myself? It is a bit scary though, knowing that we will be going into the industry soon and we are supposed to be specializing in communication. What kind of mixed messages will we be sending out when we are terrible at interpreting simple instructions?
Come on people we need to listen up carefully and learn to follow instructions appropriately.

Signing out> Sbosh

Have you figured out the second head fake?

Well I haven’t even figured out the first head fake, but I am expected to know what the second head fake is. All I understand about what a head fake is, is when a message is intended to articulate a particular meaning, but you understand it differently or have a different perception compared to what the speaker was expecting the listener to grasp or understand.

An example would be when a lecturer lectures to its students and expects the students to be motivated to reach their goals, but some of the students may grasp something else from the lecture such as; one could discover that they are in the wrong career field or that they want to study further before they go out in to the industry.

Or maybe the second headfake is about discovering what is most important to you? What is the most important thing in your life? Well I think this is a tough question to answer, and I feel that it is hard to pin point just one thing. It looks like I will have to choose three, the first being my family, secondly having a relationship with God, lastly achieving my goals.

Signing out> Sbosh

My top 200 Achievements cut down to100

Here are my top 100 achievements in no particular order.

1. Learning to walk.
2. Learning to talk.
3. Learning to write.
4. Learning to read.
5. Realizing that I could sing (even though I’m not that good at it)
6. Learning to go to the bath room on my own.
7. Learning to tie my shoelaces.
8. Learning to comb my hair.
9. Having my first friends.
10. Learning to do ballet.
11. Taking part in concert in Pre- School in which I did a ballet routine.
12. Being able to dress myself.
13. Being able to wash myself.
14. Learning to swim.
15. Going to primary school.
16. Learning the alphabet
17. Learning how to hold a paint brush
18. Learning to paint
19. Learning to paint
20. Learning to ride a bicycle
21. Learning to make a sandwich
22. Learning to iron my clothes
23. Winning the girl’s under 8years 50 metres race in Primary School.
24. Winning the girl's under 9 years 50 metres race.
25. Winning the girl's under 10 years 100 metre race.
26. Winning the girls under 11 years 50 metre race.
27. Winning the girls under 12 years 100 metre race.
28. Winning the girls under 13 400 metre relay.
29. Making the top 5 learners lists in grade 7.
30. Bing selected to be a atheltics team leader.
31. Representing my primary school in athletics.
32. Being selected to be a prefect in primary school.
33. Recieving a scholactic achievement award in grade 7.
34. Being awarded the Victrix Lidorum award in grade 7.
35. Completing my pathfinder course (similar to scouts)
36. Learning to wash the dishes .
37. Being able to travel by public transport on my own.
38. Awarded a Scholastic achievement award in Grade 7.
39. Awarded a merit certificate for Good leadership qualities and hard work.
40. Being accepted to attend Pinelands High School.
41. Being selected to be class the class representative.
42. Being selected to go on the Rainbow camp.
43. Learning about other cultures at the Rainbow camp.
44. Being selected to play in the 1st team basketball.
45. Passing matric.
46. Getting my first holiday job.
47. Convincing my parents to travel to JHB with my friends without any adult supervision.
48. Learning to use a digital camera.
49. Going to Sun City, what an experience.
50. Completing a course in Management Practice.
51. Climbing Table Mountain.
52. Going on the Table Mountain Cable car.
53. Going on the cobra on number of times, without being scared.
54. Being voted as the treasurer for my church youth group.
55. Completing a course in wine tasting as a part of the Tour Guide module.
56. Learning how to do CPR.
57. Completing my 1st year studying towards obtaining a degree in Public Relations Management.
58. Completing my 2nd year studying towards obtaining a degree in Public Relations Management.
59. Shooting an advert as part of the Videology module.
60. Completing my 3rd year studying towards obtaining a degree in Public Relations Management.
61. Getting my learners.
62. Learning to drive.
63. Being selected to undergo my in-service training at Engen Petroleum.
64. Working in a corporate environment for the first time.
65. Being accepted to do my Btech.
66. Completing my in service training.
67. Graduating in 2010
68. Passing the Btech first semester.
69. Learning to use a computer.
70. Hosting a successful 21st birthday party
71. Passing Media Studies 1
72. Passing Media studies 2
73. Passing PR 1
74. Passing PR2
75. Passing PR 3
76. Passing Communication Science 1
77. Passing Communication Science 2
78. Passing Communication Science 3
79. Passing Business management
80. Passing Videology
81. Passing Marketing
82. Passing Tourist guiding
83. Passing Psychology
84. Passing Management Practice semester 1
85. Passing Research methodology semester 1
86. Passing PR 4 semester 1
87. Passing Communication Science 4 semester 1
88. Visit a charity for the first time and helping out for a few hours.
89. Taking part in 20km walk from Green Point to Campsbay to raise funds for starving school children.
90. Being able to witness the 2010 World Cup on African soil.
91. Being alive and well.
92. Being more conscious about what I eat.
93. Starting to excercise.
94. Trying to keep up with my blog posts.
95. Coming up with a workable business idea.
96. Being able to find my way around Indesign.
97. Completing the Project Management task.
98. Making it through the third term of tech.

99. Having the courage to register my own business.

100. being where I am today.

I could only think of 100 achievements. You will simply have to watch this space for my next 100 achievements.

Signing out> Sbosh