Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I wonder why a person becomes a bully. Is it because they are used to having things done their way and therefore it never really matters what the next person has to say. You find that some individuals become bullies as they grew up being spoilt rotten by their parents, who ensured that they received everything they wanted and always allowed them to get away with everything.

In my life I have come across bullies who always seem to be annoying people as they always want things to be done their way, they don’t value the next person’s opinion as they seem to think that whatever they say is right therefore they shouldn’t be questioned. You find that people are too scared to stand up against bullies as they are afraid to be singled out by the bully and that there are too scared to find out what the bully might do to them. I wonder though if a person who bullies other people is actually aware of how they behave or does it become something they grow to see as normal?

Or maybe bullies enjoy having a sense of power or control over other people and want to be feared by them. They might even think that by behaving in this manner, it will mean that they will be respected by others; well respect is something that is earned, it is not something that happens over night. Fearing someone doesn’t mean that you respect them it’s just not having the courage to stand up against them. I have seen how people avoid interaction with bullies as they fear being embarrassed by their bully in public.

Bullying could be a psychological matter but I do believe that it could be behaviour that is entrenched by the way a person was brought up by their parents, so parents are partly to blame for the way their children turn out. What do you say?

Signing out> Sbosh

Every day is a good day.

Don’t waste your time thinking about the things that are not going right in your life as they are likely to make you feel very down and even depressed...so please don’t do that to yourself. Rather focus on the good things in your life, the things that bring about happiness and satisfaction to you.

Every day is a good day as each new day presents the opportunity to amend things in your life that you are not content with. Each day brings about endless possibilities, new beginnings as well as closure to some situations, so therefore anything is possible. Be blessed with what you have in your life and remember to be thankful for what you have as many other people may not be as blessed as you are.

Start each day by reminding yourself about the pleasant things that you have in your life. By taking note of these things it will make you feel good about yourself and make you a stronger character. Be grateful to be alive each day and start your day with energy and a zest for life.

Every day is a good day as it is up to you what you make of it, live each day so that you are not left with any regrets. Seize the moment, seize the day and don’t let anything stand in your way. Now go on and have a great day.

Signing out> Sbosh

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Does muti really work?

Last Saturday my friends and I were for some weird reason engaged in a conversation about muti. This topic came about after one of my friends had been talking about her misfortunes over the past three years or so and how recently she was involved in a car accident. To my surprise she believes that someone was behind her misfortunes and that very person must be consulting a witch doctor and receiving muti to use on her; because her life had been consumed by many strange events; therefore she feels that someone has to be responsible for this and that there is no other possible explanation besides her theory.

Some people say that muti only works on people who believe in it. Well I beg to differ, I keep on asking myself that how would it be possible for an ordinary person to create potions and herbal remedies that are intended to bring harm or sometimes fortune to people? What gives them the ability to do these actions? You sometimes find people on the streets handing out leaflets that say that they have the ability to bring back a lost lover, interpret your dreams, and give you answers for your misfortunes and so on. This is purely a money making scheme, these people don’t really have the ability to do these acts.

Why are black people so quick to say that someone is using muti on them when they seem to encounter a series of misfortunes? I’m sure that they are other reasons behind the situations they find themselves in. Or maybe it’s merely because black people have been so used to the idea that (umntu omnyama akha funi ukubona omnye umntu omnyama ephezulu) a black person doesn’t want to see another black person succeeding in life, this notion has made them reach this conclusion.

What do you think people?

Signing out> Sbosh

Our greatest strengths are our greatest weaknesses.

Do our greatest strengths have the potential to be our greatest weakness? I would have to say yes I agree with this statement in the sense that our strengths have the ability to give us power or some sort of advantage over others and yet these very strengths have the ability to bring us down on our knees if they are used in correctly. Therefore it is important to utilize our strengths in appropriate ways and in ways that will not just benefit us but also make a difference to other people’s lives. We as humans have different strengths, one person’s strength might be the ability to sing, the next one may be the ability to organize and plan effectively, run a 100 meters in the shortest time and so on.

What happens when one losses one of their strengths? They may believe that they have become useless and have no real purpose in life. Yes our strengths have the ability to make us feel this way, when we no longer have the ability to use them or when we lose them. When this happens some people may end up taking their own lives as they tend to believe that they can no longer live if their lose their greatest strength/s because of the fact that we live in a very competitive world. Everyone aims to have the best things in life or be the best in what they do. We don’t settle for mediocrity, we always want more.

Our strengths are blessings yet they have the ability to destroy us if we become too competitive and greedy, as this may lead to us wanting to do whatever it takes to be better than the next person. I urge you to use your strengths in a fitting manner and be grateful for having them.

Signing out> Sbosh